Exploring the Biblical Perspective on Artificial Intelligence

what does the bible say about artificial intelligence

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a figment of the imagination but a tangible, rapidly advancing technology, it’s natural to ponder what the Bible might say about such developments. Although the Bible does not mention artificial intelligence explicitly, its teachings on creation, technology, wisdom, and ethical decision-making can offer valuable insights into how we might perceive and engage with AI from a faith-based perspective.

Creation and Technology: A Divine Gift with Responsibility

The Bible begins with the creation story, showcasing God as the ultimate Creator (Genesis 1). Humans, made in God’s image, have been imbued with creativity and the ability to make and use tools and technology. This creative capacity is seen as a gift, allowing humanity to cultivate and steward the earth (Genesis 2:15).

Application to AI: Viewing AI as an extension of human creativity and technological advancement, we can appreciate it as part of humanity’s ongoing endeavor to fulfill our God-given mandate to steward creation effectively. However, this gift comes with the responsibility to ensure that our creations, including AI, are used in ways that honor God and promote the well-being of all creation.

Wisdom: Navigating New Frontiers

Wisdom is a central theme in the Bible, prized above gold and sought after by kings and leaders (Proverbs 3:13-14, James 1:5). It is not just about knowledge but about applying understanding rightly to make beneficial decisions.

Application to AI: The development and deployment of AI require wisdom to discern the technical possibilities and the ethical implications. The Bible encourages seeking wisdom from God to navigate complex decisions, suggesting that engaging with AI should involve prayerful consideration of how it aligns with God’s will and principles.

Ethical Decision Making: The Heart of the Matter

Ethical decision-making is paramount in the Bible, with the law and the prophets underscoring love for God and neighbor as the highest commandments (Matthew 22:37-40). The ethical teachings of the Bible guide believers in making choices that reflect God’s character and love.

Application to AI: AI development poses numerous ethical questions, from privacy concerns to potential bias and inequality. A biblical approach to AI would involve rigorous ethical scrutiny to ensure that these technologies are developed and used in ways that respect human dignity, promote justice, and reflect love for neighbor.

Creation’s Advancement and Human Responsibility

From the perspective of creation’s advancement and human responsibility, the Bible offers a framework for engaging with AI that appreciates its potential and is cautious of its pitfalls. It encourages us to view AI as a tool that can be used to promote human flourishing and honor God when wielded with wisdom and guided by ethical principles. At the same time, it reminds us of our responsibility to steward this technology wisely, ensuring that our advancements reflect our calling to love and serve our Creator and fellow human beings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can artificial intelligence have a soul?  

A1. While the Bible does not discuss artificial intelligence directly, it is clear that the soul is a unique aspect of human beings created by God. AI, a human-made creation, does not possess the spiritual attributes attributed to humans, such as a soul or the capacity for a relationship with God.

Q2. How should Christians view the use of AI in the church?  

A2. Christians are encouraged to use discernment and wisdom when integrating AI into church practices. AI can be a tool to aid in administration, outreach, and even in enhancing certain aspects of worship. However, ensuring that its use does not replace the personal, relational aspects of church life or deviate from biblical principles is essential.

Q3. What does the Bible say about creating beings or intelligence?  

A3. The Bible does not directly address the creation of artificial intelligence but affirms that humans are made in God’s image with creativity and ingenuity. This ability should be used to glorify God and serve others. However, any creation, including AI, should be approached with humility, acknowledging God as the ultimate Creator.

Q4. Is it ethical for Christians to work in AI development?  

A4. Yes, Christians can ethically contribute to AI development, using their skills and insights to ensure that these technologies are developed and employed in ways that honor God and promote the well-being of society. They can bring valuable perspectives on ethics, human dignity, and the common good to the field.

Q5. How should we address the potential of AI to replace human jobs?  

A5. The Bible places significant value on the dignity of work. Christians are encouraged to engage proactively in conversations and policies that address job displacement due to AI, advocating for solutions that balance technological advancement with the welfare and dignity of all workers.


While the Bible may not speak directly to artificial intelligence, its teachings on creation, wisdom, and ethics provide a valuable lens through which to view and engage with this powerful technology. By applying these biblical principles, believers can approach AI with a balanced perspective, recognizing its potential for good while remaining vigilant against its potential harm.

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