A.I. Artificial Intelligence Cast List

a.i. artificial intelligence cast

Main Characters


Actor: Haley Joel Osment  

Description: David is a highly advanced robot designed to love unconditionally. His primary quest throughout the film is to become a real boy to win the affection of his human mother, Monica. He is portrayed as innocent, curious, and overflowing with love, highlighting his desire for humanity.


Actor: Frances O’Connor  

Description: Monica is David’s human mother. Initially hesitant about having David in her home, she grows to love him deeply. Her relationship with David evolves significantly, showcasing her emotional growth. Monica’s love for David becomes a central theme, adding complexity to her relationships with her family.

Supporting Characters

Henry Swinton

Actor: Sam Robards  

Description: Henry is Monica’s husband and David’s adoptive father. He is initially distant and skeptical of David, viewing him as a mere machine. Over time, his portrayal becomes more sympathetic and understanding, showcasing his gradual acceptance of David.

Professor Hobby

Actor: William Hurt  

Description: Professor Hobby is the visionary creator of David and the driving force behind the creation of artificial humans. He is shown as driven, visionary, and somewhat detached, emphasizing his commitment to advancing artificial intelligence and blurring the lines between human and artificial life.

Martin Swinton

Actor: Jake Thomas  

Description: Martin is Monica and Henry’s biological son. His falling into a coma sets the stage for David’s quest to become a real boy in hopes of healing him. Though his screen time is brief, Martin’s character is pivotal as it highlights the intricate dynamics within the Swinton family.

Lord Johnson-Johnson

Actor: Brendan Gleeson  

Description: Lord Johnson-Johnson is the ringleader of the Flesh Fair, an event where robots are destroyed for entertainment. He is bold, aggressive, and vehemently anti-robot, representing the societal fear and rejection of artificial intelligence. His antagonistic stance against David and other robots underscores the conflict surrounding A.I. in the film.

Character Relationships

  • David and Monica: Their relationship is central to the story, evolving from initial apprehension to deep affection and emotional connection.
  • David and Henry Swinton: Henry’s initial skepticism softens over time as he begins to understand David’s impact on Monica and Martin, leading to a more sympathetic and understanding relationship.
  • Monica and Henry: Monica’s growing emotional attachment to David complicates her relationship with Henry, who struggles to accept David initially.
  • David and Professor Hobby: Their relationship is creator and creation, with Hobby’s vision influencing David’s quest for humanity.
  • David and Martin: Martin’s coma is the catalyst for David’s quest, subtly influencing the dynamics within the family.
  • David and Lord Johnson-Johnson: Their relationship represents the societal conflict surrounding artificial intelligence and the fear and rejection faced by robots.

This cast list provides a comprehensive overview of the characters in “A.I. Artificial Intelligence,” highlighting their roles, relationships, and portrayals, which drive the film’s exploration of artificial intelligence and humanity.

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