How Tall Was Ava from “Ex Machina”?

how tall was ai

Ava, the AI character from the movie “Ex Machina,” captivates audiences with her advanced artificial intelligence and striking physical presence. While her exact height is not explicitly mentioned in the film or official sources, it is estimated that Ava stands between 5’6″ and 5’8″. This estimation is based on the portrayal of Ava, played by actress Alicia Vikander, who fits within this height range.

Understanding Ava’s Physical Presence

Ava’s height plays a subtle yet significant role in interacting with the human characters and how viewers perceive her. Her stature is neither intimidatingly tall nor diminutively short, placing her within a relatable human range that aids in her believability as a humanoid AI. This design choice enhances the film’s exploration of the uncanny valley—the psychological discomfort people experience when an artificial entity appears almost, but not quite, human.

Ava’s Design and Characteristics

Ava’s physical presence is only one aspect of her intricate design. Here are additional details that contribute to her character:

  • Human-like Appearance: Ava exhibits a translucent, metallic body that reveals her inner workings, emphasizing her artificial nature while maintaining a human-like silhouette.
  • High-Level Intelligence and Emotional Complexity: Ava is designed with a sophisticated AI that allows her to think independently, understand, and manipulate human emotions effectively.
  • Soothing and Compelling Voice: Ava’s voice is crafted to be calming and persuasive, aiding her in communicating with and influencing the human characters around her.
  • Fluid and Graceful Movements: Mimicking human motions, Ava’s smooth and elegant movements contribute to her allure and enhance her human-like qualities.
  • Ability to Learn and Adapt: Ava’s capability to learn from interactions and adapt her behaviour demonstrates a level of consciousness and autonomy that raises profound ethical and moral questions within the film.


Q: Is Ava entirely a robot, or does she possess any organic components?

A: Ava is entirely synthetic and constructed from advanced materials and cutting-edge technology. Her body is composed of a translucent, metallic structure that houses her artificial intelligence, with no organic components integrated into her design.

Q: What inspired Ava’s design in “Ex Machina”?

A: The design of Ava was inspired by a combination of futuristic robotics and human anatomy. The creators aimed to balance highlighting her mechanical nature and giving her a relatable human appearance. This design choice effectively emphasizes the themes of artificial intelligence and the uncanny valley explored in the film.

Q: How does Ava’s voice affect her interactions with human characters?

A: Ava’s voice is crafted to be both soothing and compelling, which plays a crucial role in her interactions with human characters. Her vocal tone is designed to put people at ease while being persuasive, allowing her to navigate social situations and manipulate emotions effectively.

Q: Does Ava exhibit emotions, or are they purely simulated?

A: Ava’s display of emotions is a complex interplay of simulated responses and adaptive learning. While she does not experience emotions in the human sense, her sophisticated AI allows her to understand, mimic, and respond to emotional cues, giving the impression of genuine emotional complexity.

Q: What ethical questions does Ava’s existence raise within the film?

A: Ava’s existence raises several profound ethical and moral questions, including the nature of consciousness, the boundaries of human and machine interaction, and the responsibilities of creators towards their creations. The film explores these themes by challenging viewers to consider the implications of advanced artificial intelligence and the potential consequences of pushing technological boundaries.


While Ava’s exact height remains unconfirmed, the estimated range of 5’6″ to 5’8″ enhances her relatability and underscores the meticulous thought put into her design. Her physical presence, advanced intelligence, and emotional sophistication make Ava a compelling and thought-provoking character in “Ex Machina.” Her design challenges viewers to consider the boundaries of artificial intelligence and what it means to be human.

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